Sunday Services now in church:

We are a caring, welcoming church made up of people of different ages and different backgrounds.
New Milton Baptist Church opened in 1910, so we've been here and part of this community for a long time.
We hold worship services every Sunday at 11:00am, with Sunday Club for children and 6:30pm, and all sorts of other activities during the week.
Everyone is welcome at any of our services or activities – why not give us a try.
Who are we?
We are a group of ordinary Christians with a deep love for the Lord Jesus Christ, holding Him at the centre of everything we are and do.
We meet to worship together twice on a Sunday (11:00am and 6:30pm). Our services are traditional in character, but very relaxed.
Our teaching is bible based and centered on Jesus.
We believe that worship is a lifestyle, so as well as the Sunday services we run monthly house groups and different courses such as Alpha and the Bible Course, encouraging people to go deeper with God.
We believe that God loves each and every one of us no matter who we are or what we have done and that He wants a relationship with all of us – and that includes you.

NEW MILTON BAPTIST CHURCH, Old Milton Road, New Milton, Hampshire, BH25 6DX
Telephone: 01425 610850