Sunday Services now in church:

Church is for everybody and children are as much part of the church as adults. In the morning services we worship together as a family in the first part of the service. Around halfway through, children generally go out to Sunday club, whilst the adults stay in for the sermon.
We do not believe that children are 'the church of tomorrow' - they are part of the church of today and that they need to be welcomed and helped to feel part of things. Children should not be ‘seen and not heard’ because God loves everyone without exception and children can experience God and meet Him for themselves, we are all His creation, so the church is for everyone!
We are delighted to welcome all the family and are working at becoming a truly family church. We do our best to make all the family welcome - within the morning services James will normally do a short talk for children (and adults - because we're all children at heart!). Halfway through the service children generally go out to Sunday Club.
About halfway through the morning service children go out to Sunday Club. Discovering about God and His love for us is made fun – through stories, crafts, games and interactive learning.
Sunday Club
For the Children

NEW MILTON BAPTIST CHURCH, Old Milton Road, New Milton, Hampshire, BH25 6DX
Telephone: 01425 610850