Sunday Services now in church:

Our services are fairly traditional in character, but very relaxed.
The Bible is central to our worship. We believe that God reveals Himself through it – all of the Bible is ‘God–breathed’ (2 Timothy 3:16) and it is ‘living and active’ (Hebrews 4:12). God speaks through it's word into our lives today and for that reason, preaching is an important part of our services.
We sing a mixture of traditional hymns and modern worship songs, seeking to enable everyone to worship God.
We believe passionately that God answers prayer – so prayer is also an important part of our worship. We believe that God still heals today and on occasion offer prayer to God for healing.
Sunday morning services start at 11:00am and are approximately 60 - 70 minutes long. After every morning service, refreshments of tea, coffee and biscuits are served in the Hall, which is a great way of getting to know people and of building fellowship.
For those who wish to spend time in prayer prior to the morning service, there is an informal prayer meeting at 10:15am in the church hall.
Our Sunday evening services start at 6:30pm and are approximately 60 to 70 minutes long.
All services use a screen and there are large print hard copies of hymns available for those who need them.
A Church bible is available to all and this is the NIV.
We share communion in the morning service on the first Sunday of each month and in the evening on the third Sunday. All who love the Lord Jesus are welcome to take it.
Prayer is important to the life of our church – both privately and together.
We believe passionately that God answers prayer so prayer is an important part of our services.
We also meet for prayer on Tuesday afternoon at 2pm (re-starts in May 2022) and before the Sunday services at 10:15am (in the church hall).
Prayer is also a vital part of our house groups which meet on a monthly basis.
Sunday Services

NEW MILTON BAPTIST CHURCH, Old Milton Road, New Milton, Hampshire, BH25 6DX
Telephone: 01425 610850